Blake Lively at Time’s 100 Gala

April 28, 2011 § Leave a comment

Not only is this gorgeous but there’s a FABULOUS story that goes with it. Shall we start with the style? Not only is her hair red and wavy (which I don’t really like) but her dress compliments it SO much…is she going to be in the Little Mermaid next? Because I’d totally buy it. This dress is really stunning the way it fits her, she looks plastic with how perfectly it contours to her body. Needless to say, Murad owns couture and every time Lively wears it she just looks radiant. While the bustier isn’t in the runway version, I think that this little addition completely amps up the sex appeal with the sequins and glam

Funny story now? So Patrick McMullan stepped on her train while walking past her and did not notice. Her publicist was freaking out but he didn’t hear in the party and it tore straight off of the dress. He didn’t notice as he meandered around until Martha Stewart pointed it out and demanded he, “Give that lady back her train!” The ever composed Lively didn’t make a fuss at all, and luckily the dress was structured enough that there was not a huge embarrassing moment for her! She went to the bathroom, safety pinned it back on with minor meltdowns and then enjoyed the rest of her evening. Talk about impressive! I would have broken down the instant I saw the trainwreck begin!


Blake Lively in Carven at WonderCon

Blake lively in Chanel at a Chanel Dinner

Blake Lively in Zuhair Murad on Gossip Girl

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